Call for Nominations: ACNS Test-of-Time Award 2025
ACNS (International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security) is an annual conference launched in 2003, focusing on current developments that advance the areas of applied cryptography, cybersecurity (including network & computer security) and privacy. ACNS will give the inaugural Test-of-Time Award in 2025 to recognize papers that have had a lasting impact on the field.
Any person can nominate a paper published at ACNS for the award. Self-nomination is also allowed. To nominate a paper, send an email to, containing the following information: Paper title and year of publication, paper authors and reason for nomination. The reason for nomination should be at most 500 words explaining why the paper has stood the test of time, what influence it has had on the field, and the impact the paper has had.
Award Committee
- Marc Fischlin & Veelasha Moonsamy (ACNS 2025 program chairs)
- Christina Pöpper & Lejla Batina (ACNS 2024 program chairs)
- Mehdi Tibouchi & Xiaofeng Wang (ACNS 2023 program chairs)
- Moti Yung & Jianying Zhou (ACNS steering committee)
The submission deadline is March 18, 2025
To be eligible for the award given in 2025, a paper must have been published between 2003 and 2010. Papers authored or co-authored by the award committee members are not eligible to receive the award.
TThe Test-of-Time award will be presented at ACNS 2025 (Munich, Germany, June 23-26, 2025), and the recipient will give a (short) talk about some background on what led to the paper, or what their view on the topic is now and what has happened to the area in the meantime. The recipient’s registration fee will be waived.